A comprehensive implant course designed for beginners and those who have not placed or restored any implant. No experience in implant placement is needed, however prior experience will be an advantage. As and added advantage of our course, each participant will have a clinical supervision for the first implant placement by our instructor at a suitable location such as the participants' practice or Instructor's practice.
An ongoing support for case discussion, treatment planning and trouble shooting will be offered through a whatsapp group.
A small group of 6 participants will ensure maximum interaction between instructor and participant for an effective learning process.
Implant Mastership Course Outline
Comprehensive implant related workshop that include lectures, hands-on on models and step by step instruction, followed by supervised implant placement on real patient.
Duration: 4-6 months
Module 1
Introduction to Implant
Implant types and classification
Modes of Implantation and Loading
Biomechanical and Biological principles
Anatomy, surgical consideration and complication and management of anterior mandible, anterior maxilla, posterior mandible, posterior maxilla.
Practical implant placement on models
Module 2
Treatment Planning
Digital Implant placement
Patient and cases selection
Medical conditions that affect treatment planning
Surgical Template
Principles of implant placement and soft tissues management.
Practical implant placement on models
Module 3
Implant selection and drilling protocols
Flap Design, Incision Techniques
Flap mobilisation
Suturing techniques and suture selection
Implant angulation
Introduction to hard and soft tissue augmentation
Hard and soft tissue augmentation techniques
Augmentation materials
Internal Sinus lift
Managing common error in implant placement
Practical implant placement on models
Module 4
Implant prosthetic components
Implant prosthetic
Prosthetic restoration types
Prosthetic parts
Prosthetic design
Designing single unit or multi unit restoration
Impression types, closed, open,digital
Principle in Implant Occlusion
Hands on
Module 5
Time: 9am-5pm
Review, recall and maintenance
Periodontitis and its affect on implant treatment
Periimplantitis and mucositis diagnosis and management
Complication and its management
Supportive implant therapy
Module 6
Supervised Implant placement for each participant at own practice or teaching centre.
Each case will be discussed with instructor regarding treatment planning, implant selection, surgical guide, prosthetic and surgical preparation.
Others participants will assist and observed implant placement.
Free one fixture and cover screw worth Rm 745, and two supervised implant placement on patients
Additional case and clinical supervision is chargeable at Rm500 per case.
After completing this course, each participant should be able to:
Establish good foundation and understanding of Dental implants, their biologic basis and applicability in restoring single and multiple edentulous areas.
Predictably assess and develop a treatment plan for single and multiple implants.
Place and restore implant.
Understand and manage complications implants in both anterior and posterior areas.
Learn how to fabricate surgical guides with and without CBCT.
Know what works and what doesn't work.
Recognize how to avoid and treat complications.
Understand what we know about timing of implant placement and loading.
How to predictably restore implants
Gain confidence, improve clinical knowledge and skills to establish successful implant dentistry practice
FREE admission or retake to any of the module in future classes for past student
Rm 12500
Registration : TBA
Course : TBA
Interest free installment is available.
We accept payment by credit card. A 6 or 12 month interest free easy payment available with
credit card.
Please click the link below to register you interest, and we will contact you as soon as posibble.